Sunday, July 14, 2024

Europe and USA Yearly eSIM by MobiMatter

I use an iPad Air with built in LTE, so, whenever I'm traveling and don't want to use tethering I'll just buy a one-time eSIM and load that into my iPad. 

Where do you get those data-only eSims? I usually use bitrefill but I just discovered mobimatter which is cheaper in some instances (and they sell eSIM cards that are good for more then 30 days) 😊 

I'm considering just buying a big chuck of data (say, 50GB) and just have it on head for the next 365 days for whenever I need it. 

Pro tip: on new iPhones you can use an eSIM next to your nano SIM card as well. So even when your provider has technical problems , you can use another second SIM card in your phone as backup which could use roaming and just switch over to another provider that's still functioning. When SHTF this could be a useful option. Prepare accordingly 👍 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

DB Browser for SQLite

DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual,open source tool designed for people who want to create, search, and edit SQLite database files. DB4S gives a familiar spreadsheet-like interface on the database in addition to providing a full SQL query facility. It works with Windows, macOS, and most versions of Linux and Unix. Documentation for the program is on the wiki.

A lot of apps use SQLite for storing in-app data. For example, the JWPUB file format is a compressed SQLite database file. 

By the way, did you know that SQlite is pronounced as See Queue Lite (not See Queuel -ite) because it's supposed to be a wordplay on rocks (Granulite, Perlite, Rhyolite, Kyanite… you get it).  

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mataroa on the madness of using AI

I Will … Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity

An executive at an institution that provides students with important credentials, used to verify suitability for potentially lifesaving work and immigration law, asked me if I could detect students cheating. I was going to say "No, probably not"... but I had a suspicion, so I instead said "I might be able to, but I'd estimate that upwards of 50% of the students are currently cheating which would have some serious impacts on the bottom line as we'd have to suspend them. Should I still investigate?"

We haven't spoken about it since.

Read it all here:

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Avalon Nano 3

For about €125 you can be the proud owner of an electric home heater that earns itself back (a little bit) when being used, by mining for Bitcoin. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


Watch videos together with friends anywhere. 

What if my video is an MP4 file but hosted on a site that's blocked in Russia, say Can I watch together with a friend over there, yes or no?  

We throw around "anywhere" a lot, but the free world is shrinking 🤔 

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Zapper - send tips to any event on Nostr

I want to embed an iframe into all my blogs to enable "zapping" aka Bitcoin Lightning ⚡️ payments. 

It seems this company has an easy solution for this:

Current ₿ price of $0.07m could last another 245 days before miner stashes are exhausted.

#Bitcoin miners have according to this chart, another 1.75m coins ready to be sold. 

This explains why the price isn't rising even with $500m-1bn inflows into ETFs per day. 

At  current price  we  have  245  more  days  to  go  before  we  could  break #btc at $0.07m. If the miners stop selling, all bets are off of course.